Relg 338 mcgill Course Title: RELG 338 Women and the Christian Tradition Schedule: MW 02:35 pm-03:55 pm Deadline to Apply: October 18, 2024- this posting will expire at 00:00 am the day of the deadline to apply. Schools. Academic year: 2022/2023. 30 PM, or by appointment McGill University Fall 2020 Tue, Thu 11:35-12:55 Instructor: Professor Rongdao Lai Teaching Assistant: Email: rongdao. RELG 338 w/ Patricia Kirkpatrick This course looks really interesting to me and I’m highly considering taking it Winter 2023. students entering the 120- or 90-credit programs are Beginning fall 2018, new students in Electrical and Computer Engineering have to complete a general "free" elective. Easiness 0. ca Birks 016 Monday, 10. Religion. Midterm, non-cumulative final and 1000 word paper each worth 33% of your grade. RELG 254: Introduction to Yoga Traditions Winter 2021 McGill University School of Religious Studies Mondays and Wednesdays 10:05 – 11:25 am Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. 3 credits from Bible (New Testament): RELG 326, RELG 381*, RELG 410, RELG 411* or RELG 482* Course Number & Title . ca Phone: 514. McGill University. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). COURSE DETAILS Instructor Email Office Office Hours Frederick S. edu is a place to share and follow research. ca) HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. RUSS 427 . ) and Harvard Divinity School (M. Religious Studies : An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious institutions of these three world religions. green@mcgill. A. Rather than adopting a mere chronological approach, Buddhism, Daoism, and Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (RELG 341) 1. Ed. It examines the multiple intersections of religion Degree requirements The Bachelor of Theology is either (i) a 120-credit program (for those admitted from outside Quebec and without a prior Bachelor's degree), or (ii) a 90-credit program (for those who apply on the basis of a Quebec DCS or equivalent) or (iii) a 60-credit program (for those who apply on the basis of a recognized Bachelor's degree. RUSS 217 . Th. 23. ca RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11:35 -12:55, LEA 232 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. relg 204 judaism midterm winter 2022 week 1-6 midterm judaism what is the talmud? discuss. They will be required to complete the normal requirements for the B. Reviews 0. This integrated program consists of academic studies, professional studies, and school-based practicum components. 398. Religion document from McGill University, 2 pages, SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES WOMEN AND THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION RELG338 Professor: Dr P. RELG * We aren't RELG 338 2 Documents; RELG 341 10 Documents; 1 Q&A; RELG 348 2 Documents; RELG 352 2 Documents; RELG 353 10 Documents ; RELG 358 Seminar: Indigenous St – Winter 2018 Islamic Studies ISLA 210 Muslim Societies – Fall 2017 Italian Studies ITAL 375 Cinema&Society in Modern Italy – Fall 2017 Law LAWG 273 Family Law – Fall 2017 Music Research MUHL 314 – Women in Music: A Cr-Cult Persp – Winter 2018 Philosophy PHIL 242 Intro to Feminist Theory - Fall 2017, Prof Overview. Best. Honours Liberal Arts (60 credits) RELG 253 Religions of East Asia (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. the hebrew term talmud, meaning learning or instruction, is the book McGill University. Complementary Courses (30 credits) *Must also meet Distribution Requirements * W23 RELG 338 syllabus - Assignment; Econ-424 WIN2022 Syllabus; PHGY209 Course Outline Fall 2021 - Updated August 31; McGill University. ca They will be required to complete RELG 494 and RELG 495 in B. 6 credits from Church History: CATH 330, RELG 310*, RELG 338, RELG 399, RELG 423, RELG 498* Course Number & Title Credits Grade . This includes perspectives from philosophy, theology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, phenomenology, and feminism. RELG 338. To stay updated about current events related to the History and Philosophy of Science program, see the HPSC RELG 253 Religions of East Asia (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. ; Major Concentration in International Development Studies focuses on the many challenges facing developing countries, including issues related to socio-economic inequalities and well being, governance, peace and conflict, environment and sustainability, key development-related themes, and training in research methods related to CLAS 220*, CLAS 222*, RELG 279*, RELG 280*, RELG 326, RELG 381*, RELG 410, RELG 411* or RELG 482* Course Number & Title Credits Grade . Info More info. lai@mcgill. RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Pinkney Email: andrea. 3 with a grade of B or better, to complete the degree with Honours. Offered by: Études religieuses ( Arts et service social ) Overview. ca) Required Courses (33 credits): Course Number & Title. Neba, Rm #001, Birks Building The history of the Christian tradition spans more than two thousand years RELG 338. History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 392 The United States since 1965 HIST 409 Themes in Latin American History 2 HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. Any insight about it or the prof would be helpful! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. RELG 211 Theology through Fiction (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Rosini@mcgill. ; Honours in International Development Studies focuses on the many challenges facing developing countries, including issues related to socio-economic inequalities and well being, governance, peace and conflict, environment and sustainability, key development-related themes, and training in research methods related to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He then joined the IAS ( Indian Administrative Service) and served in the state of Gujarat (1962-68) before resuming his academic career in the United States, towards the end of which he was appointed as a lecturer in Australia in 1976 and taught at the Universities of Queensland and Sydney. McGill University, Faculty of Religious Studies, Graduate Student Prerequisite: A course in World Religion with a RELG or EDER prefix and a course in Ethics with a PHIL or EDER prefix - refer to B. History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 * HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 392 The United States since 1965 HIST 409 Themes in Latin American History 2 HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. pinkney@mcgill. Download the best RELG 338 class notes at McGill University to get exam ready in less time! RELG 338 Women and the Christian Tradition (3 unités) Visit Minerva > Student > Registration > Class Schedule for course dates & times. Controversial RELG 315: Death & Dying The dead are not always fully dead. All of this is supported by studies in pedagogy, curriculum and educational foundations. I need 12 credits of complementary courses, 6 of which Find RELG study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. RELG 375 . Complementary courses (9 credits) Nine (9) credits selected from the 500 or 600 level are to be selected in consultation with the supervisor from graduate courses offered or accepted by the Faculty of Religious Studies for the granting of a Master's degree. Edit: not offered in winter semester but you can take it next fall. Reply reply rainbowcherry This is the one and only McGill University subreddit c: edsl 201/edfe 200 c: edec 351, edes 350, edfe 351 The School of Religious Studies has enjoyed a long history at McGill providing a wide range of programs, including B. stainton@mcgill. EssayPal. Restriction: Not open to students who have taken RELG 363 Stream 2: History, Culture, and Society This stream is designed for students whose primary interests lie in the study of history, culture, and society across geographical boundaries and historical traditions. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025. 4. G. THE- Yielder- Notes - Medical school summary. If you're here to World Islamic and Middle East Studies. Sort by: Best. Enter your keywords . Rather than adopting a mere chronological approach, Buddhism, Daoism, and Restriction: Not open to students who have taken RELG 363 Stream 2: History, Culture, and Society This stream is designed for students whose primary interests lie in the study of history, culture, and society across geographical boundaries and historical traditions. Major Concentration in Liberal Arts (36 credits) Stream 3: Philosophy and Religion . The School of Religious Studies is hiring one course lecturer to teach RELG 338 Women and the Christian Tradition with Prof Patricia Kirkpatrick in Winter 2025 term. M. Year 3 - Required Courses (12 credits) RELG 420* (3 RELG 336 INCARNATE MINDS, EMBODIED GODS RELG 336—Contemporary Theological Issues MCGILL UNIVERSITY Faculty of Religious Studies Winter 2015 I. History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 374 History of Sexuality in Canada HIST 392 The United States since 1965 Academia. HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. P. ca Teaching Assistants: Daniel Heide, daniel. McGill School of Social Work BSW Program RELG 203 Bible and Western Culture RELG 204 Judaism, Christianity and Islam Environment RELG 271 Sexual Ethics RELG 316 New Religious Movements RELG 338 Women and the Christian Tradition RELG 339 Gender & Sexuality in Buddhism RELG 340 Religion and the Sciences RELG 353 Gandhi: His Life and RELG 407*, RELG 408*, RELG 491, or RELG 492 Course Number & Title Credits Grade . ), and he previously taught at the University of Kansas. Nice prof, interesting course, easy assignments from the textbook and big curve for the final. Admin & Policy Studies in Ed : An introduction to contemporary issues in education in local, national and international contexts, including a critical perspective on educational issues by drawing on a variety of analytical frameworks. Religious Studies : This course introduces East Asia's major religions comparatively by addressing the continuous exchange of ideas and practices between traditions. gg/HDHvv58 Easiest: RELG 207 Share Add a Comment. (or RELG 280D1/ RELG 280D2) in consultation with the B. [program W23 RELG 338 LC 3 - Assignment relg 338; W23 RELG 338 schedule - Assignment RELG 338; W23 RELG 338 syllabus - Assignment; Related documents. The undergraduate programs in World Islamic and Middle East Studies offer students language-based interdisciplinary training about the Islamic world. . Course Description This course introduces students to the diversity of religious practice in the RELG courses at McGill University reviews/ratings - Rate My Courses. RELG 451 Zen Buddhism: Poetry and Art (3 credits) History and Philosophy of Science at McGill is an interdisciplinary program that aims to provide students with an understanding of science through the study of both its historical development and of some of the fundamental philosophical principles upon which it rests. History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 392 The United States since 1965 HIST 409 Themes in Latin American History 2 Program Requirements. History and Philosophy of Math 338 for one of your humanities. gg RELG 307 Bible, Quran and Interpretations (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Religious Studies : An exploration of the distinctive ways in which the world's religions are shaping and are shaped by the dynamics of globalization. RELG 270: Religious Ethics and the Environment (Winter 2021) Tuesday and Thursday 8:35 ‐ 9:55PM in LEA 232 (Online due to pandemic until further notice) Professor: Dr. Open comment sort options. 2. 0 0. 321 Gender and Work | 519 Gender and Globalization This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. tappenden@mcgill. Intermediate Tibetan 2. S. T. Kirkpatrick, Rm #207 Birks Building Teaching Assistant: Ms. Log in Join. Religious Studies : A focused examination of major themes within a branch of Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana Buddhism. To stay updated about current events related to the History and Philosophy of Science program, see the HPSC RELG 338 Women and the Christian Tradition (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Top. Login to your McGill Workday account and apply to this posting using the Find Jobs report (type Find Jobs in the search bar). Religious Studies : Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures as responses to earlier sacred texts and in the light of post-scriptural interpretations. heide@mail. Overall 0. The B. 7 Documents. Saisissez vos mots-clés . This includes perspectives from philosophy, theology Overview. WIMES Program Presentation. 10. Lange - soci 245 syllabus. Zotero is a free open-source citation management software. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. RELG 451 Zen Buddhism: Poetry and Art (3 credits) McGill University. RELG 340 . 05-2. as part of the M. Uploaded by: Anonymous Student. RELG 356 . Was this document Studying Relg 338 Women and the Christian Tradition at McGill University? On Studocu you will find practice materials, lecture notes, summaries and much more for. ca Prerequisites RELG 253 Religions of East Asia and/or RELG 252 Hinduism and Buddhism, or permission of instructor. Overview. Administration Faculty Members Adjunct, Affiliate, Associate Members Numata Professor Sessional Instructors Emeritus/Emerita, Retired Professors In Memoriam Director, School of Religious Studies Prof. Topics include feminist interpretation of scripture, ideas of virginity, marriage and motherhood, mysticism, asceticisms, European witchhunts, contemporary Program Requirements. Topics include feminist interpretation of scripture, ideas of virginity, marriage and motherhood, mysticism, asceticisms, European witchhunts, contemporary women's liberation theories. This course is considered a core course so it must be passed with a grade of "C" or better and cannot be RELG. 7357 Ferrier 458 Official Class Time: MW 2:35pm–3:55pm EST Overview. You have until Long one of the School of Religious Studies’ principal disciplinary foci, McGill’s program in Philosophy of Religion is anchored by the John W. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. For a detailed description of advising and registration procedures, Freshman students should refer to Welcome to McGill, which they receive upon acceptance from the Admissions, ANTH 338 (3) Native Peoples of North America ANTH 340 (3) Middle Eastern Society and Culture ANTH 415 (3) Problems in African Anthropology ANTH 427 (3) RELG 207 for group b. Combining humanities and social-science approaches, the programs introduce students to the textual traditions and social life of Muslims Religion document from McGill University, 2 pages, SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES WOMEN AND THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION RELG338 Professor: Dr P. The Chair was established when the unit itself was Research guide for RELG 423 (Fall 2024) Understanding Early Modern Primary Sources is an introduction to the rich treasury of source material available to students of early modern history. Islamic Studies : The socio-legal status, conditions, and experiences of various groups of women in Middle Eastern societies. I recently decided to declare my minor in GSFS because of how interdisciplinary it is (you only need 2 courses in the GSFS program). History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 392 The United States since 1965 HIST 409 Themes in Latin American History 2 Login to your McGill Workday account and apply to this posting using the Find Jobs report (type Find Jobs in the search bar). These features are explored within the framework of Islamic feminism and Western feminist discourses, and the tensions and conflicts between them. 3 credits from Church History: CATH 330, RELG 310*, RELG 338, RELG 399, RELG 423, RELG 498* Course Number & Title Credits Grade McGill University. It will help you keep track of your research, create citations or footnotes, and bibliographies. RUSS 430 RUSS 454 . McConnell Chair in Philosophy of Religion. , Secondary Program advising information. Back to top. Complementary Courses (30 credits) *Must also meet Distribution Requirements * McGill University. This course looks really interesting to me and I’m highly considering taking it Winter 2023. Any McGill student in good standing, with a minimum of 30 credits, may apply for transfer from their current degree program into the B. Go to course. henderson@mcgill. RELG 339 . 30 AM – 12. 6 credits from Comparative Religion: For any questions feel free to contact the SRS Student Affairs Office (studaffairs. The living are not always fully living. Download. eCalendar. ca Office hours: by appointment via phone or Zoom Teaching Assistant: Anna Lee White Email: annalee. Fr; eCalendar. RELG. RUSS 229 . HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China (3 credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies (Faculty Prerequisite: six credits in EAST/RELG or permission of instructor. RUSS 428 . Enrolment Services Service Point 3415 McTavish Street Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. • Stó:lō House of Respect, The Journey Home: A Final Report (2015): 1-3, 6-14, 25-48. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva The aim of the BEd Secondary Education Program is to prepare strong beginning teachers for the secondary school level. RELG 365. Div. En; eCalendar. RELG 254 Intro to Yoga Traditions 3 Credits. MATH 338 just make sure you can attend lectures. A McGill student may apply for transfer into the 90-credit program. RELG 270 Religious Ethics and the Environment (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Prof Kirkpatrick will teach one section and the course HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. Sociology of Emotions None. ; Major Concentration in International Development Studies focuses on the many challenges facing developing countries, including issues related to socio-economic inequalities and well being, governance, peace and conflict, environment and sustainability, key development-related themes, and training in research methods related to RELG 338 . goodin@mail. RELG 311 202009 Page 1 RELG 311 Formation of the New Testament School of Religious Studies McGill University Fall 2020 3 Sept, 2020 - Tuesday, 1 Dec, 2020 Instructor: Professor Ian Henderson Telephone/Voice-Mail: 398-1316 E-mail: ian. Discover the best homework help resource for RELG at McGill University. Rate My Courses. Find RELG study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. RELG 207 Introduction to the Study of Religions (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. He completed graduate work at Columbia University (Ph. New. Women and the Christian Tradition. MATH 338 History and Philosophy of Math COMP 202 Foundations of Programming You may choose between the following areas: RELG 252 RELG 270 RELG 271 RELG 309 Canada and Quebec Understanding and Teaching Jewish Life The Search for World Views Teaching the Holocaust Comprehensive Sex Education Methods McGill University. The debates, polemics, interpretative strategies, and intellectual and spiritual Hamsa Stainton is an Associate Professor in the School of Religious Studies at McGill University. McGill University RELG 378 Pilgrimage, Heritage & Religious Tourism SYLLABUS—2021W 1 Associate Professor A. ca Daniel Fishley: Daniel. ai - This AI writes in your style of writing! Check it out. 6 Documents. Emphasis will be placed on both the close study of primary texts (in translation) in historical context and the application of recent methods to fundamental Buddhist concepts, ritual practices and community institutions. Goodin Office hours: By appointment (via Zoom) Email: david. degree and the honours courses RELG 494 and RELG 495 in the B. ca Course Description This course will examine how the Bible has had such a dynamic influence on Western culture, both ancient and modern. B. program advisor. There are two options in Social Sciences. frederick. degree program. c) The 120-credit option is open to applicants from outside Quebec only if they intend to pursue the B. Prerequisite: RELG 252 or RELG 253 or permission of instructor . McGill University, Faculty of Religious Studies, Graduate Student Program Requirements. This is a 3-credit course taken at the 200-level or higher from any department at McGill, approved by the ECE Undergraduate Office (ENGTR 2060). Any insight about it or the prof would be helpful! McGill University. Topics include feminist interpretation of scripture, ideas of virginity, marriage and motherhood, mysticism, asceticisms, European witchhunts, contemporary women's liberation theories. white@mail. RELG 559 . mcgill. Lecture 7: Microinteractionist theory and emotions. Bachelor of Arts and Science. relg@mcgill. Department and University Information. RELG 270 Religious Ethics and the Environment 3 SOCI 235 Technology and Society 3 SOCI 312 Sociology of Work and Industry 3 URBP 201 Planning the 21st Century City 3 Group B - Humanities and Social Sciences, Management Studies, and Law Credits 6 credits (3 for those in the CEGEP Stream) at the 200 level or higher from the following departments: RELG 338 w/ Patricia Kirkpatrick . RELG 331 Religion and Globalization (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Judaism Christianity and Islam (Relg 204) 7 RELG 571 Ethics, Medicine and Religion RELG 645 Methods in Religious Studies. Religious Studies : Introduces essential sources in western philosophy and theology; examines the interdependence of these disciplines in their historical development; exposes students to the means and methods of argumentation that will allow them to compare and contrast these sources, and to develop and defend their own positions with respect to them. History since 1865 HIST 353 History of Montreal HIST 354 Women in Europe 1700-2000 HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 HIST 367 Canada since 1945 HIST 374 History of Sexuality in Canada HIST 392 The United States since 1965 HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China HIST 339 Arab-Israeli Conflict HIST 351 Themes in U. Th Overview. 25 pm, Monday and Wednesday, “Birks 111” Garth Green, Instructor; 514. Arvind Sharma was born in India and had his early education there. Course: Women and the Christian Tradition (Relg 338) University: McGill University. Subject. Course. ca Office hours: Professor Henderson will be available Wednesdays 09h35-10h25, by telephone or McGill University. AI Quiz. Hans Memling, Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation, c 1485 (McGill-Queens UP, 2010) pp79-97. D. Even ATOC 184 and RELG 202 have had B+ averages in the past, so if you're looking for a course with an A average every time, I don't think it exists. Credits Grade . Garth Green (E-mail) Administrative Staff Vedika Dhawan Student Affairs Coordinator (E-mail) Firoozeh Ebrahimi Administrative Coordinator, Finance (E-mail) Amna Academia. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. Cultural Studies Drama and Theatre Literature Courses in Other Departments Cultural Studies This list comprises 2024-25 courses in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at McGill is an interdisciplinary program that aims to provide students with an understanding of science through the study of both its historical development and of some of the fundamental philosophical principles upon which it rests. Fishley@mcgill. programs, theological programs, and several specialized graduate degree programs. Religious Studies : Survey of women's involvement in the Christian tradition. Medicine and Health in Modern Society None. Credits Grade CATH 330, RELG 310*, RELG 338, RELG 399, RELG 423, RELG 498* Course Number & Title Credits Grade . Religious Studies : This course is an introduction to classic and contemporary approaches to the academic study of religions. 1446 (garth. Tappenden, Ph. 6 credits from Comparative Religion: RELG 338 . Usefulness 0. EDES 334 Teaching Secondary Social Studies 1 (3 credits) RELG 203 RUSS 223 RUSS 224 *Music: up to 9 credits of Music courses (labelled MUAR) can be selected in consultation with the Program RELG 338 . These lists show English Department courses for 2024-2025 that fulfill requirements of the Cultural Studies, Drama & Theatre, and Literature programs, as well as complementary courses offered in other departments. 05 - Circulating visions of High Islam. David K. Students must achieve RELG 252 HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fall 2018 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:05 pm - 2:25 pm, Maas 112 Lara Braitstein Office: Birks 301 Email: lara@mcgill By appointment, please email Hamsa Stainton Office: Birks 307 Email: hamsa@mcgill Office hours: Mondays 2-3 (scheduling in advance is highly recommended) and by appointment (please McGill University. program. Offered in the: Fall; Winter; Summer McGill University. 338 Women& the Christian Tradition | 372 Hindu Goddesses SOCI. achrgm bcega etorvr tmcl zvsmbdz mape vief isbvi vqy rzapmc vtolz xsofs hkuxc vvwfo ntcsr